Zhang, Zhibo

JCET Fellow

JCET Research Group:  UMBC-based Faculty

Mailing Address:
Physics Department
Room 418
1000 Hilltop Road
Baltimore, MD 21228 USA

Phone:  (410) 455-6315
Email:  zhibo.zhang@umbc.edu


Dr. Zhibo Zhang received a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences (2008) and a MS (2004) from the Texas A&M University and a BS in Meteorology (1998) from the Nanjing University, China.  His Ph.D. thesis is on the satellite-based remote sensing of ice clouds.

In Jan. 2009 he joined the Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center at UMBC, where he worked with the MODIS cloud science team led by Dr. Steven Platnick on the development of infrared cloud property retrieval algorithm.  In 2011, he joined JCET as a Research Associate; he was then appointed to Assistant Professor with UMBC’s Physics Department and became a Fellow with JCET.