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Students tour Goddard Space Flight Center

Photography students "see science"

Digital arts students from Catonsville High had a special visit of NASA Goddard Space Flight Facility on Friday, November 18th, hosted by JCET’s Valerie Casasanto. As part of UMBC’s Seeing Science program, students got a taste of NASA Science and the arts.

Students toured Goddard’s integration and testing facilities and viewed the cleanroom areas where ICESat-2 and the James Webb Space Telescope is being integrated.

Dr. Chris Shuman, JCET scientist based at Goddard, talked about Antarctica and ice science on the Hyperwall. The students also met with a NASA animator and saw an animated short film about ICESat-2. They watched scientific visualizations in an inflatable dome led by Greg Shirah, NASA Scientific Visualizer, who guided them through different Earth visualizations from the planetarium show Dynamic Earth. 

And finally, students got to experience ICESat-2’s altimeter interactive exhibit to get their heights measured.

Posted: November 21, 2016, 12:37 PM