JCET faculty at UMBC's EDS
The annual Earth Day Symposium (EDS) at UMBC is sponsored jointly by the UMBC Department of Physics, Geography and Environmental Systems (GES), and the Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (JCET). The event highlights local Earth science research from NASA, NOAA, university, and private sector affiliates. The topic of this year's EDS was Equity and Environmental Justice.
Talks were presented in the UMBC Albert O. Kuhn Library Gallery. Adriana Rocha Lima (JCET/Physics) gave a presentation titled "Climate variability and environmental challenges in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region." From Dr. Rocha Lima: "This talk presents an overview of ground-based and satellite observations over the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), focusing on recent changes and variability of atmospheric dust loading and dust storms, land use, vegetation coverage, and key meteorological parameters, such as temperatures, wind fields, and precipitation. Finally, environmental challenges and mitigation strategies for the region are examined."
Drs. Belay Demoz and Zhibo Zhang provided the Department Overview and Introduction, and Dr. Pengwang Zhai presented the Closing Remarks. Additionally Dr. Zhai, along with Dr. Henrique Barbosa (UMBC) and scientists from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, served as panelists for a discussion titled "Graduate/post graduate career advice".
Posted: May 6, 2022, 1:41 PM